This center is created only thanks to the generosity and donations of private individuals. We realize that this is a serious effort for all of us and requires great generosity from Sangha and the donors. We believe that after many years our intention will become a reality.
Thank you,for the support so far; thanks to this we could buy the land and now we can start construction. We are happy with all your help, because only together we will accomplish this serious, long-term undertaking.
Please, be the foundation for this project in the future. Together, we create the future of the Dharma in times that determine its duration.
If you intend to support us with donation, you can do so by making regular or one-off bank transfers. Bank account:
You can also mention to what purpose Your donation is to be used.
If you have questions or have decided to support the construction project, please use the email contact form „Contact”.
Sewage treatment plant
Get drinking water t
Purchase of land with a house 4.2 ha
Purchase of land of
Purchase of a land 8ha
Purchase of an adjac
First house
Construction of the
Architectural design of Gompa
Commissioning archit