Purchase of land with a house 4.2 ha

  • 30,195$

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  • 0$

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  • 0

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Artur Żółkowski

6 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

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Purchase of land of 4.2 ha (with a house) which is adjacent to the land and is located at its foot. It has easy access from the village and is the shortest way to the center. The plot has an electrical connection, water supply, and sewage treatment plants. Owning this plot will provide us with the opportunity to use the most favourable access road to the center and the use of electricity during the construction of the center.

In the future, there could be a guesthouse there with accommodation for sangha. Part of the land could be made available for sangha members eager to build their own houses.

ID Name Email Amount
5362zie suworktomsutwle@gmail.com
4908Mariusz Manturmariusz.mantur@gmail.com
987Krzysztof Trembaczowskikctrembaczowski@gmail.com
986Krzysztof Trembaczowskikctrembaczowski@gmail.com
985Vladimir Zbehlikvlad.13@email.cz
713Artur Żółkowskiarturzolkowski@gmail.com
554[usunięto] [usunięto]deleted@site.invalid